HANDKERCHIEFS - definição. O que é HANDKERCHIEFS. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é HANDKERCHIEFS - definição

Hanky; Pocket square; Pocket fold; Pocket handkerchief; Handerkerchief; Hankerchief; Handkercheif; Handkerchiefs; Handkercher; Handkerchers; Hankie; A Handkerchief; TV fold; Hankerchiefs; Hand kerchief; Snot rag
  •  ''Rumāl'' with scenes of ''[[gopi]]s'' worshiping [[Krishna]]. Late 18th to early 19th century, [[Chamba district]], [[Himachal Pradesh]], India. Ceremonial/ritual furnishing, silk embroidery on cotton. [[LACMA]] textile collection
  • Morris dancers with handkerchiefs in Oxford
  • Knotted handkerchief hat
  • Handkerchief used for stopping bleeding
  • A lace handkerchief

A handkerchief is a small square piece of fabric which you use for blowing your nose.
·noun A piece of cloth, usually square and often fine and elegant, carried for wiping the face or hands.
II. Handkerchief ·noun A piece of cloth shaped like a handkerchief to be worn about the neck; a neckerchief; a neckcloth.
¦ noun (plural handkerchiefs or handkerchieves -t?i:vz) a square of cotton or other material for wiping one's nose.



A handkerchief (; also called a hankie or, historically, a handkercher or a fogle) is a form of a kerchief or bandanna, typically a hemmed square of thin fabric which can be carried in the pocket or handbag for personal hygiene purposes such as wiping one's hands or face, or blowing one's nose. A handkerchief is also sometimes used as a purely decorative accessory in the breast pocket of a suit; it can then be called a pocket square. A handkerchief is also an important accessory in many folk-dances in many regions like the Balkans and the Middle East; an example of a folk-dance featuring handkerchiefs is the Greek Kalamatianós.

Exemplos de pronúncia para HANDKERCHIEFS
1. And that's all handkerchiefs, too.
Nothing Starts Without a Dream _ Lubov Azria _ Talks at Google
2. And this is all like handkerchiefs,
Nothing Starts Without a Dream _ Lubov Azria _ Talks at Google
3. Now get out your handkerchiefs here.
4. You don't have handkerchiefs in midair.
5. I know parents who have done handkerchiefs.
Understanding Autism _ Gina Baldi _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para HANDKERCHIEFS
1. The mourners touched handkerchiefs to their eyes.
2. In the United States, it appears on disposable handkerchiefs.
3. Big white butterflies float by like flying handkerchiefs.
4. Mary Edwards, 26, for stealing three silk handkerchiefs.
5. Operation "Little Vittles" eventually delivered tons of chocolate, attached to tiny parachutes fashioned from handkerchiefs.